Live Lobster Care and Lobster Preparation

Here at the Lobster Gram National Distribution Center, we've packed your Maine lobsters so they will arrive alive — guaranteed. All Lobster Gram lobsters are carefully selected and hand-picked so that you receive only the freshest and most succulent lobsters available to anyone, anywhere in the world! Your lobsters may appear sluggish or motionless after their journey from Maine — after all, it's been a long trip for them. If there is any problem with your Lobster Gram package, call 1-800-LIVE-LOB (1-800-548-3562). Enjoy, and don't forget to check out our Live Lobster Cooking Guide and our Lobster Tail Cooking Guide for more information!

How To Keep Your Lobsters Alive Before Dinner

PLEASE... Leave the lobsters in the packaging they arrived in until dinner — as long as the box and cooler arrive intact and as long as the package is not placed next to a heat source. It's okay to open up the box and cooler to have a look at the contents inside, but replace the cooler lid tightly and close up the box when you are done. DO NOT FREEZE THE LIVE LOBSTERS PRIOR TO COOKING!

PLEASE... DON'T PUT YOUR LOBSTER GRAM LIVE LOBSTERS IN TAP WATER PRIOR TO COOKING. This will literally drown them and make them very unhappy and dead.

PLEASE... cook your Lobster Gram live lobsters the day you receive them. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

IF... you can't enjoy your Lobster Gram feast tonight, please read the section below cleverly titled "What To Do If You Can't Enjoy Your Lobster Gram Tonight."

ENJOY! Not everyone is lucky enough to receive a Lobster Gram®. If for some reason you are not completely satisfied, just call your Lobster Consultant at our headquarters at 1-800-LIVE-LOB (1-800-548-3562). We want everyone who receives a Lobster Gram to be happy!

A Note About Shellfish

We have packed your seafood so that it arrives in perfect condition. If your package contains fresh clams and mussels they must be cooked today and some may have cracked shells as a result of shipping. We do add a few extra to compensate for this possibility. Helpful cooking tips are included in the complete, printed Cooking Manual that comes with every order.

PLEASE... refrigerate your seafood as soon as possible, or freeze it (except live seafood such as lobsters, fresh clams and mussels) if you are going to enjoy it at a later date.

What To Do If You Can't Enjoy Your Lobster Gram Live Lobsters Tonight

COOK... your Lobster Gram lobsters according to the directions in Steps 4 - 10.

DON'T... crack out the meat yet. After your lobsters have boiled, remove from the water, immerse or run under cold water until cool and put them in a sealable plastic bag in the refrigerator.  Freeze if not using within a day or two, but don't freeze for more than one week - the longer they are frozen, the less tasty the meat becomes. Be sure to thaw frozen lobsters in the refrigerator for at least 24 - 36 hours before reheating them.

WHEN... you are ready to enjoy your lobsters, remove them from the fridge. Feel free to enjoy them cold since they are already fully cooked, but if you prefer warming them up, bring a pot of water to a full boil, then drop the lobsters in the pot. Heat through for 1 - 2 minutes, just long enough to warm up the lobster meat. Be careful to remove them promptly, so they don't overcook!

Mmmm! Now you are ready to begin your gourmet lobster dining experience. Follow Steps 10 - 17 and enjoy!

What To Do If Your Lobster Gram Lobster Did Not Arrive Alive

It can be difficult to tell sometimes if a lobster is actually DOA (Dead On Arrival), or just sluggish after the long trip from Boston. One good test is to touch the lobster’s eye and watch for movement (gross, but true). If there are no signs of life, don’t give up yet! You may have heard otherwise, but we know that a lobster does not have to be alive at the moment you are cooking it in order to still be good. It is more a matter of the temperature at which the lobster has been kept, and the length of time that has passed, that determines whether it is still good. So how are you to know what to do?

COOK IT! Remove the rubber bands from the claws of the dead (or suspected dead) lobster to keep track of it, if any others are alive. It is completely safe to cook all the lobsters together. Fully cook the lobster according to the instructions provided in your cooking manual or on this website. When done, check the consistency of the tail meat. If the meat appears firm and fleshy then it is fine to go ahead and enjoy! If the meat has more of a cottage cheese texture - very watery, loose and mushy, then it obviously should be discarded. If you have any questions, call us during business hours (shown at the bottom of the screen) at 1-800-LIVE-LOB.

Live Lobster Preparation & Cooking

Congratulations! You are the proud recipient of a Lobster Gram lobster! To ensure your ultimate gratification, please follow each step carefully. If you have steamed lobsters or other seafood, please follow the recipes on pages 6-9 of your Cooking Guide (not included on this web page.)

" STEP 1 - Beverage Selection . Your Lobster Gram consultants believe any quality beverage will complement your lobster beautifully. If you're looking for just the right wine, check out our expert wine recommendations later in this Cooking Manual. Please drink and cook responsibly!

" STEP 2 - Choice Of Companion. This is the perfect opportunity to invite that special person to share your Lobster Gram with.

" STEP 3 Setting Up. Fill a stock pot with enough water to cover the lobsters (about 4"-5"), but don't put them in yet! Bring water to a strong boil. TIP: Don't add salt to accelerate the boiling — it will only cause an overboil all over your stove. Several clients have recommended massaging the backs of the lobsters to put them in a trance. This will relax their muscles and make them play possum. Try it, if you like.

" STEP 4 -  Accompaniments . While waiting for the water to boil, get crackin' on any other seafood dishes, soups or side dishes your are including in your feast. Red potatoes and corn on the cob make tasty, traditional lobster partners, as well as blueberry pie for dessert.

" STEP 5 - Getting Down To Business. Secure the bib around your clavicle region. Fortify yourself with a swig of your chosen beverage. You are now about to become an expert Lobster Gram lobster cooker!

" STEP 6 -  Taking The Plunge. Firmly grasp the lobsters behind their arms and quickly plunge them head-first into the boiling water. Cover the pot with a lid, and don't worry - lobsters can't scream because they don't have any vocal cords. This is an old wives tale - sometimes there is a whistling sound when air escapes from their shell! However, be careful of their tails splashing water and of over-boils.

" STEP 7 - Setting the Timer. When the water returns to a soft boil, start timing your lobbies and reduce your heat to maintain a soft boil, uncovered for the remainder of the time. If an overboil occurs, take off the lid.

1 lb. lobster 9 - 10 minutes
1 1/4 lb. lobster 10 - 11 minutes
1 1/2 lb. lobster 11 - 12 minutes
2 lb. lobster 12 - 13 minutes
3 lb. + Super Jumbo 15-16 minutes

" STEP 8 - Final Preparations.  While munching on veggies, slice a lemon into quarters. Melt some butter over very low heat (add some minced garlic, if you like). Set the table with a tablecloth, napkins and candle. Last, but not least, for that ultimate elegant touch, light the candle and take a swig of your beverage.

" STEP 9 - BZZZZ.  Hold everything! Stop whatever you're doing! Your lobsters are done cooking and you're ready for — you guessed it — STEP 10!

" STEP 10 - Lobster Removal. Fish your lobsters from the pot with any handy utensil and place them on a plate. They should be red to pink in color. Be careful — those crustaceans are hot! You may want to use some rubber kitchen gloves at first to handle them. NOTE: don't dump your water or shut off your heat until you're sure your lobsters are done!

" STEP 11 - Not For The Faint Of Heart.  Lobster Gram lovers, this is where you get to show off your fine motor skills. Twist off the entire arm from the body and remove the rubber bands from the claws.

" STEP 12 - It's Cracker Time.  With your official Lobster Gram shell cracker (or if you did not receive that type of package, any good nutcracker or pliers will do), crack open the claws and joints, and push out the meat with your fork. Careful! Hot water may spill out of the shell when you crack it.

" STEP 13 - Getting To The Meat Of The Matter.  Break off the tail section from the body at the mid-section. You may wish to rinse off the innards — however, many lobster lovers consider the greenish substance you see, called the "tomalley" or liver, a delicacy. Now is also the perfect opportunity to Check for Doneness. All the tail meat should appear firm and completely white. If there is any sign of translucent grayish color, it is not done. Throw your tail back in boiling water for one-minute intervals until done.

" STEP 14 - Don't Quit Yet.  Next, crack off the flippers from the tail. If you see red in the tail section, this is the "roe" or lobster caviar, which, obviously, only the females have. It is quite tasty and sells for hundreds of dollars per pound!

" STEP 15 - A Fork In The Road.  Using your official fork, push out the meat from the tail. At last! You are ready to eat!

" STEP 16 - Seasonings.  Squeeze some lemon on a chunk of lobster and plunge it into the warm butter (or vice versa). Yummm!! You may be surprised by the firm texture and succulent sweet flavor of a Maine lobster, which makes it a worldwide favorite. Hope it becomes yours too!

" STEP 17 - The Final Frontier.  As with all great things, your Lobster Gram meal will eventually come to an end. If you're looking for one last morsel, break off the legs and suck out the meat. After this, sadly, there is no more lobster. Remember, someone thought enough of you to send you a Lobster Gram. Why not be a Lobster Gram giver next time? Or better yet, order one for yourself!!

Helpful Tip: Keep in mind that when you need a place to toss your lobster shells and any other kind of seafood remnant, your cooler makes a convenient place to "neatly re-pack" them for disposal. Unless of course, your were planning to use the cooler for your next summer-time picnic. Either way, don't forget to recycle your cooler and box!