What Color Is My Crustacean? A Guide To The Many Lobster Colors

All lobsters are NOT created the same. You might think they're homogenous, with little difference between them, but you'd be surprised at some of the unique, one-in-a-million colors that have been discovered in these crawling creatures of the deep. Most folks are familiar with the typical Maine Lobster: a greenish-brown guy that turns bright red (and delicious) when cooked, but lobstermen have been known to find some curious crustacean variations in their traps from time to time. Below are some fascinating examples you just have to see to believe!


blue lobster colors
There's a one in 5-10 million that your lobster will turn up in this brilliant blue color.






red lobster colorsThis lobster looks like it's already been boiled, but it's actually a rare red lobster. Odds of getting one are 1 in 30 million.






yellow lobster colors
The odds of encountering one of these curious critters is also 1 in 30 million.






calico lobsters
The chances of finding one of these striking speckled specimens in your lobster trap is 1 in 25 million.






half and half lobster
Believe it or not, this two-tone lobster is the real deal. It's possible because the two halves of a lobster grow separately. Only 1 in 50 million lobsters develop this way.







albino lobster
This white lobster is the rarest color variation of all. The odds of finding one are 1 in 100 million! Since it possesses no color pigments at all, this is the only lobster that won't turn red when you cook it. But you'd be better off donating this one to an aquarium!





Who knew there was such variety in lobsters? Though our Around The World lobster tail sampler doesn’t have these very rare tails, it does feature lobsters from Brazil to Australia – providing you with some great variety to try and compare!



Image credit: eastcoastgourmet.com