Is Lobster Healthy For You?

Lobster makes a welcome addition to your health-conscious diet. Its mild, sweet flavor works in a variety of dishes, and it also contributes toward your daily nutrient intake.

Is Lobster Healthy? USDA Nutrition Info Is Lobster Healthy? USDA Nutrition Info

The USDA Nutritional Facts show lobster is full of vitamins and minerals, high in protein, and low in fat.

So, what makes lobster healthy?

  1. High in Protein, Low in Fat

    Lobster serves as an excellent source of lean protein. Each 6-ounce portion provides you with 28 grams of protein but only 1.2 grams of fat. This protein provides amino acids -- small compounds your cells can assemble into new proteins needed to maintain healthy tissue. Protein nourishes your bones and cartilage to keep your skeleton strong and also supports the health of your blood. A 6-ounce serving of lobster contains just 0.3 grams of saturated fat -- approximately 1 percent of your daily recommended allowance.

  2. Minerals for Healthy Bones

    While not typically thought of as a bone-building food, lobster provides minerals you need for skeletal health. Each 6-ounce serving of lobster boasts 274 milligrams of phosphorus and 140 milligrams of calcium. This provides 39 percent of your daily phosphorus requirement as well as 14 percent of your recommended daily calcium intake. Both minerals form components of hydroxyapatite -- the dense, strong mineral abundant in your bones. Calcium also supports nerve health, while phosphorus nourishes your cell membranes.

  3. B-12 and Choline for Brain Function

    Lobster also nourishes your brain by boosting your intake of choline and vitamin B-12, two essential nutrients. Choline supports the production of neurotransmitters -- small compounds involved in brain communication -- while vitamin B-12 helps maintain myelin, a substance that coats your nerves and supports nerve transmission. Choline also maintains the health of your cell membranes, while B-12 promotes red blood cell function. A serving of lobster provides you with 120 milligrams of choline -- 22 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 28 percent for women -- as well as 2.1 micrograms of vitamin B-12, or 88 percent of your daily B-12 intake recommendation.

Like every other food, lobster should be eaten in moderation.  Note that lobster is high in cholestoral or sodium, depending on the quantity you eat.

So, treat yourself to some lobster.  It's not just "good" for special occasions, but it's "good" for your body too!  Enjoy!

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